Housing in Charlottetown
Not surprisingly, the number one issue that residents in the downtown core continue to bring forward has been the crunch to find affordable housing – and enough housing – in Charlottetown.
I feel that it is time for some action to address this problem that’s affecting so many residents. If elected on November 5, I will immediately bring together all stakeholders to work together, developing and subsequently enforcing City by-laws to deal with the short-term rental of residential premises.
Any further developments within the City must be looked at through a housing affordability lens – I will also urge Council, and applicable City departments, to review all processes related to the permitting of affordable housing developments.
There are various properties in the City – the Maritime Electric property on Lower Richmond Street, for example – that could be developed into a residential premise. I feel the City would benefit greatly from proactively rezoning some of these former commercial properties that can be found throughout Charlottetown, which would effectively eliminate steps for prospective developers. It’s time we start working collaboratively with these builders to start planning for the City’s future.
A large piece of Charlottetown’s charm is the significant character in the downtown core. I am strongly in favour of creating a healthy balance, in collaboration with various levels of government, between an increase in affordable and senior housing developments and the maintenance of the historic integrity of downtown Charlottetown. I will also be a vocal advocate on Council for the amendment of City by-laws to allow for greater housing density in certain areas of the City, where circumstances warrant a change.
I welcome any conversation you’d like to have about this City we call home. Please contact me and let’s chat.